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In a world where inequality and injustice are rife, the need to empower people through the sharing of resources, knowledge and capacity is imperative for progress. Empowering people to effectively respond to the emerging challenges of globalization, marginalization, conflict, discrimination, poverty and inequality through the accessibility of knowledge, innovation and progress is one of the greatest challenges today. Multimedia-based electronic learning has become a tool used to provide access to education for multiple segments of the population, which otherwise would have little to no access to it. While eLearning is integrated into curricula early in the digital revolution, in many countries, it is just beginning to address the opportunities and challenges web-based learning may bring.

You can contribute knowledge to the International Conference

How can research and knowledge contribute to an innovative way of sharing knowledge, innovation and progress accessible to all, not just to the privileged few?

Thems for the conference

  • TVET for Global Skills/Jobs
  • TVET and Innovations
  • Innovations in horticulture for global impact
  • Innovations in Crop science
  • Modern Extension services
  • Innovations in Accounting
  • Current development in Bookkeeping
  • Innovations in Marketing
  • Developments in office practice
  • Robotics and its global impact
  • Innovations in Software development
  • Innovations in Hardware maintenance
  • Innovations in Networking
  • Innovations in global Security
  • Innovations in child development
  • Innovative Fashions and developments.
  • Clothing construction
  • Currents trends in fabrics production
  • New approaches to nutrition and dietetics
  • Food engineering
  • Hotel management
  • Tourism development in modern society.
  • Innovations in cosmetology
  • interior and exterior decorations
  • Developments in housekeeping
  • Innovations in building technology
  • Innovations in woodwork  technology
  • Current trends in electronic technology
  • New approaches in electrical technology
  • Current trends in metalwork technology
  • New approaches to auto-mechanics
  • Technologies and innovations in pedagogy
  • Contemporary issues in the Digitalization of TVET
  • TVET and skills development
  • Contemporary issues in TVET
  • Distance learning in TVET
  • Digital transformation of TVET
  • Sustainable, innovative learning & teaching.
  • Gender equality in TVET education.
  • Quality assurance framework in TVET
  • Greening education and entrepreneurship
  • Strategic institutional planning in TVET
  • TVET policy review.

These are themes for the International conference about digitalisation and e-learning in TVET. The conference is E-Conference (July 1-2 2021 at 9 am GMT). The conference has keynote speakers from different countries. In addition, the conference invites for the presentation of papers.

You must submit abstracts on or before 20th June 2021. Authors of accepted abstracts should submit soft copies of full papers of not more than 12 A4 pages (Font 12, Times New Roman, double line spacing) via the Conference email addresses by 29th June 2021.

Professional development is a crucial component in nearly every modern proposal for educational improvement.

Global Skills*

Whilst no one will dispute the value of increased numeracy and literacy skills in principle, relatively little attention has been paid thus far to the global dimension of skills development. International policy has also often failed to take into account the global context in which individual nations develop skills programmes for their citizens.

Expertise Career Job Profession Occupation Concept.
Illustration: Rawpixel.com

The concept of ‘global skills’, on the other hand, makes the relationship between globalisation and the skills required to cope with it explicitly, and is a key part of development education. It encompasses a broad and deep conceptualisation of skills, going beyond the numeracy, literacy and technical skills needed for work to include broader social and intercultural skills that both benefit the workplace and enable people to make a positive contribution to society. Key to the development of this broader range of skills is an appreciation of the social, economic and cultural context within which they are developed: a context which ‘recognises the nature of society, its cultural base, its rapidly changing economic forces and the challenges of dealing with the unknown’.

The concept addresses people’s need for skills to understand and critically engage with the impact of globalisation on their own lives and communities, to deal with uncertainty and insecurity, to be able to critically reflect on their own values base and to make a positive contribution to society. Economic development is often considered one of the key drivers in skill development, but in debates regarding ‘global skills’, it is vital to give adequate consideration to social as well as economic needs.

Global skills could therefore be said to encompass the following:

  • An ability to communicate and work with people from a range of social and cultural backgrounds
  • Critical thinking to question and reflect upon a range of social, economic and cultural influences on the learners’ life
  • Openness to a range of voices and perspectives from around the world
  • Willingness to engage in society, resolve problems and seek solutions
  • Recognition and understanding of the impact of globalisation on people’s lives and the ability to make sense of a rapidly changing world
  • Willingness to play an active role in society at local, national and international level.

*the text about “global skills” is from an article by Amy Skinner, Nicole Blum and Douglas Bourn: “Development Education and Education in International Development Policy: Raising Quality through Critical Pedagogy and Global Skills”, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, 2013

The picture on the top is from the conference (Adobe Stock)

Views: 218

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Serumu Igberadja
Serumu Igberadja

He is a youth leader and a community development advocate from Sapele, Nigeria.
Email: zerumuhjack@yahoo.co.uk Phone: +2347034623644

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